by Bahwan Cyber Tek Pvt Ltd



Bahwan Cybertek developed an Android Mobile application that will be installed on the Merchandisers...

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Bahwan Cybertek developed an Android Mobile application that will be installed on the Merchandisers Mobile device. This will help the merchandisers to check the On-Shelf Availability of SKUs, take photos of shelves, and upload it in the mobile app before and after refilling the shelf with unavailable SKUs from the back store. All store details and merchandise will be treated as master data. All merchandisers to be registered with our mobile app for user access. The access to login to our app will be given after our approval. The user login will be active for 1 year and it has to be renewed annually.The Merchandiser audit data will be available for their review and their supervisor. Using this data, daily, monthly, and yearly sales can be improved.Upon installing the app, each merchandiser will go through approval steps, where he needs to enter the mandatory information. The data will get persisted in the database. The organization supervisor / Bahwan Cybertek customer contact person will review the data and also get consent from the customer and approve the request.Also, each user will have access to their module and be able to the audit process.The audit process and the consecutive monitor will help their stock availability on each store.Following are the Merchansider Mobile app Navigation steps:Step 1 : As in when the Merchandiser enters in to the Outlet, he has to login this app and to select the Outlet, from the list in Mobile app, that he has entered. Upon Selecting the Outlet, the app should show the list of respective SKUs’ that are supposed to be available in that particular outlet.Step 2 : Merchandiser has to take the picture of the shelf (with available SKU’s) through our mobile app in the Pre-verification stage. Photo can only be taken from the mobile camera and it can not be uploaded from gallery.Step 3 : The next step is the verification stage, he would verify the availability of each SKU’s and mark a tick or un tick if its available or unavailable respectively and save it in the app.Step 4: Merchandiser goes to Outlet’s Back Store (Example: Warehouse of Lulu ) to take the SKU’s that are not available and refill it in the shelves.Step 5: After the Refilling of SKU’s and Post-verification process, the merchandiser has to take photo of the shelves again with refilled SKU’s and upload it in the app and save it.Step 6 : If the back store doesn’t have any stock, enter the remarks and submit the data.Step 7 : Upon clicking ‘Submit’, the data entered should be saved and used for Daily, Weekly & Monthly reportsAreej Vegetable Oil & Derivatives (AVOD) is looking for a Digital solution to Track the Merchandisers Daily visits and their activities in the outlets/stores.End of day, AVOD wants to know1. Did the Merchandiser went to the assigned stores/outlet? and How long he spent in the Store/outlet?2. To cross check the On-Shelf Availability (OSA) SKU’s presented in each outlets/store through Mobile app. By this, AVOD will also know what activities the Merchandiser did in each outlet.This includes• Online Mobile Registration of Merchandiser for On-Shelf Availability (OSA)• Verify and approve Merchandiser registration• Application will be hosted in Cloud (Data2cloud)• Backend Database will be built and can be updated as in when it is required.• OSA reports from Mobile app to shows in CueTrans applicationAbout customerAREEJ Vegetable Oils & Derivatives SAOC, "AVOD" products are marketed in the GCC as well as other countries through distributors. AVOD exports to 30 countries, from Canada in the North to New Zealand in the South, and USA in the West to Uzbekistan in the East. The strategic location of the factory helps their products reach international markets in the shortest possible time and also lowers transportation costs.